Source code for astrocut.make_cube

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

This module implements the functionality to create image cubes for the purposes of
creating cutout target pixel files.

import os
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import date
from sys import platform, version_info
from time import time

import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.table import Column, Table

if (version_info >= (3, 8)) and (platform != "win32"):
    from mmap import MADV_SEQUENTIAL

__all__ = ['CubeFactory', 'TicaCubeFactory']
ERROR_MSG = "One or more incorrect file types were input. Please input TICA FFI files when using\
                   ``TicaCubeFactory``, and SPOC FFI files when using ``CubeFactory``."

[docs]class CubeFactory(): """ Class for creating image cubes. This class emcompasses all of the cube making functionality. In the current version this means creating image cubes fits files from TESS full frame image sets. Future versions will include more generalized cubing functionality. """ def __init__(self, max_memory=50): """ Setting up the class members """ self.max_memory = max_memory # in GB self.block_size = None # Number of rows self.num_blocks = None self.cube_shape = None self.time_keyword = 'TSTART' # TESS-specific self.last_file_keywords = ['DATE-END', 'TSTOP'] # TESS-specific (assumed to be in extension 1) self.image_header_keywords = ['CAMERA', 'CCD'] # TESS-specific self.template_requirements = {"WCSAXES": 2} # TESS-specific (assumed to be in extension 1) self.file_list = None self.template_file = None self.primary_header = None self.info_table = None self.cube_file = None def _configure_cube(self, file_list, **extra_keywords): """ Run through all the files and set up the basic parameters for the cube. Set up the cube primary header. """ file_list = np.array(file_list) image_shape = None start_times = np.zeros(len(file_list)) for i, ffi in enumerate(file_list): ffi_data =, mode='denywrite', memmap=True) start_times[i] = ffi_data[1].header.get(self.time_keyword) if image_shape is None: # Only need to fill this once image_shape = ffi_data[1].data.shape if self.template_file is None: # Only check this if we don't already have it is_template = True for key, value in self.template_requirements.items(): if ffi_data[1].header.get(key) != value: # Checking for a good image header is_template = False if is_template: self.template_file = ffi ffi_data.close() self.file_list = file_list[np.argsort(start_times)] # Working out the block size and number of blocks needed for writing the cube # without using too much memory try: slice_size = image_shape[1] * len(self.file_list) * 2 * 4 # in bytes (float32) except IndexError: raise ValueError(ERROR_MSG) max_block_size = int((self.max_memory * 1e9)//slice_size) self.num_blocks = int(image_shape[0]/max_block_size + 1) self.block_size = int(image_shape[0]/self.num_blocks + 1) self.cube_shape = (image_shape[0], image_shape[1], len(self.file_list), 2) # Making the primary header with[0], mode='denywrite', memmap=True) as first_file: header = deepcopy(first_file[0].header) header.remove('CHECKSUM', ignore_missing=True) # Adding standard keywords header['ORIGIN'] = 'STScI/MAST' header['DATE'] = str( # Adding factory specific keywords for kwd in self.image_header_keywords: header[kwd] = (first_file[1].header[kwd], first_file[1].header.comments[kwd]) # Adding the extra keywords passed in for kwd, value in extra_keywords.items(): header[kwd] = (value[0], value[1]) # Adding the keywords from the last file with[-1], mode='denywrite', memmap=True) as last_file: for kwd in self.last_file_keywords: header[kwd] = (last_file[1].header[kwd], last_file[1].header.comments[kwd]) header["EXTNAME"] = "PRIMARY" self.primary_header = header def _build_info_table(self): """ Reading the keywords and setting up the table to hold the image headers (extension 1) from every input file. """ with, mode='denywrite', memmap=True) as ffi_data: # The image specific header information will be saved in a table in the second extension secondary_header = ffi_data[1].header # set up the image info table cols = [] for kwd, val, cmt in if isinstance(val, str): tpe = "S" + str(len(val)) # TODO: Maybe switch to U? elif isinstance(val, int): tpe = np.int32 else: tpe = np.float64 # Adding columns one by one cols.append(Column(name=kwd, dtype=tpe, length=len(self.file_list), meta={"comment": cmt})) cols.append(Column(name="FFI_FILE", dtype="S" + str(len(os.path.basename(self.template_file))), length=len(self.file_list))) self.info_table = Table(cols) def _build_cube_file(self, cube_file): """ Build the cube file on disk with primary header, cube extension header, and space for the cube, filled with zeros. Note, this will overwrite the file if it already exists. """ # Making sure the output directory exists direc, _ = os.path.split(cube_file) if direc and not os.path.exists(direc): os.makedirs(direc) # Writing the primary header self.primary_header.tofile(cube_file, overwrite=True) # Making the cube header and writing it data = np.zeros((100, 100, 10, 2), dtype=np.float32) hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data) header = hdu.header header["NAXIS4"], header["NAXIS3"], header["NAXIS2"], header["NAXIS1"] = self.cube_shape with open(cube_file, 'ab') as CUBE: CUBE.write(bytearray(header.tostring(), encoding="utf-8")) # Expanding the file to fit the full data cube # fits requires all blocks to be a multiple of 2880 cubesize_in_bytes = (( * 4 + 2880 - 1) // 2880) * 2880 filelen = os.path.getsize(cube_file) with open(cube_file, 'r+b') as CUBE: + cubesize_in_bytes - 1) CUBE.write(b'\0') self.cube_file = cube_file def _write_block(self, cube_hdu, start_row=0, end_row=None, fill_info_table=False, verbose=False): """ Do one pass through the image files and write a block of the cube. cube_hdu is am hdulist object opened in update mode """ # Initializing the sub-cube nrows = (self.cube_shape[0] - start_row) if (end_row is None) else (end_row - start_row) sub_cube = np.zeros((nrows, *self.cube_shape[1:]), dtype=np.float32) # Loop through files for i, fle in enumerate(self.file_list): if verbose: st = time() with, mode='denywrite', memmap=True) as ffi_data: # add the image and info to the arrays sub_cube[:, :, i, 0] = ffi_data[1].data[start_row:end_row, :] sub_cube[:, :, i, 1] = ffi_data[2].data[start_row:end_row, :] del ffi_data[1].data del ffi_data[2].data if fill_info_table: # Also save the header info in the info table for kwd in self.info_table.columns: if kwd == "FFI_FILE": self.info_table[kwd][i] = os.path.basename(fle) else: nulval = None if self.info_table[kwd] == "int32": nulval = 0 elif self.info_table[kwd].dtype.char == "S": # hacky way to check if it's a string nulval = "" self.info_table[kwd][i] = ffi_data[1].header.get(kwd, nulval) if verbose: print(f"Completed file {i} in {time()-st:.3} sec.") # Fill block and flush to disk cube_hdu[1].data[start_row:end_row, :, :, :] = sub_cube if (version_info <= (3, 8)) or (platform == "win32"): cube_hdu.flush() del sub_cube def _write_info_table(self): """ Turn the info table into an HDU object and append it to the cube file """ # Make table hdu cols = [] for kwd in self.info_table.columns: if self.info_table[kwd].dtype == np.float64: tpe = 'D' elif self.info_table[kwd].dtype == np.int32: tpe = 'J' else: tpe = str(self.info_table[kwd].dtype).replace("S", "A").strip("|") cols.append(fits.Column(name=kwd, format=tpe, array=self.info_table[kwd])) col_def = fits.ColDefs(cols) table_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(col_def) # Adding the comments to the header for kwd in self.info_table.columns: if kwd in ['XTENSION', 'BITPIX', 'NAXIS', 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2', 'PCOUNT', 'GCOUNT', 'TFIELDS']: continue # skipping the keyword already in use table_hdu.header[kwd] = self.info_table[kwd].meta.get("comment", "") # Appending to the cube file with, mode='append', memmap=True) as cube_hdus: cube_hdus.append(table_hdu)
[docs] def make_cube(self, file_list, cube_file="img-cube.fits", sector=None, max_memory=50, verbose=True): """ Turns a list of fits image files into one large data-cube. Input images must all have the same footprint and resolution. The resulting datacube is transposed for quicker cutouts. This function can take some time to run, exactly how much time will depend on the number of input files and the maximum allowed memory. The runtime will be fastest if the entire data cube can be held in memory, however that can be quite large (~40GB for a full TESS main mission sector, 3 times that for a TESS extended mission sector). Parameters ---------- file_list : array The list of fits image files to cube. Assumed to have the format of a TESS FFI: - A primary HDU consisting only of a primary header - An image HDU containing the image - A second image HDU containing the uncertainty image cube_file : string Optional. The filename/path to save the output cube in. sector : int Optional. TESS sector to add as header keyword (not present in FFI files). max_memory : float Optional, default is 50. The maximum amount of memory to make available for building the data cube in GB. Note, this is the maximum amount of space to be used for the cube array only, so should not be set to the full amount of memory on the system. verbose : bool Optional. If true intermediate information is printed. Returns ------- response: string or None If successful, returns the path to the cube fits file, if unsuccessful returns None. """ if verbose: startTime = time() self.max_memory = max_memory # Set up the basic cube parameters sector = (sector, "Observing sector") self._configure_cube(file_list, sector=sector) if verbose: print("Using {} to initialize the image header table.".format(os.path.basename(self.template_file))) print(f"Cube will be made in {self.num_blocks} blocks of {self.block_size} rows each.") # Set up the table to old the individual image heades self._build_info_table() # Write the empty file, ready for the cube to be added self._build_cube_file(cube_file) # Fill the image cube with, mode='update', memmap=True) as cube_hdu: if (version_info >= (3, 8)) and (platform != "win32"): mm = fits.util._get_array_mmap(cube_hdu[1].data) mm.madvise(MADV_SEQUENTIAL) for i in range(self.num_blocks): start_row = i * self.block_size end_row = start_row + self.block_size if end_row >= self.cube_shape[0]: end_row = None fill_info_table = True if (i == 0) else False self._write_block(cube_hdu, start_row, end_row, fill_info_table, verbose) if verbose: print(f"Completed block {i+1} of {self.num_blocks}") # Add the info table to the cube file self._write_info_table() if verbose: print(f"Total time elapsed: {(time() - startTime)/60:.2f} min") return self.cube_file
[docs]class TicaCubeFactory(): """ Class for creating TICA image cubes. This class emcompasses all of the cube making functionality. In the current version this means creating image cubes fits files from TESS full frame image sets. Future versions will include more generalized cubing functionality. The TESS Image CAlibrator (TICA) products are high level science products (HLSPs) developed by the MIT Quick Look Pipeline ( These images are produced and delivered up to 4x sooner than their SPOC counterparts (as of TESS EM2), and can therefore be used to produce the most up-to-date cutouts of a target. More information on TICA can be found here: """ def __init__(self, max_memory=50): """ Setting up the class members.""" self.max_memory = max_memory # in GB self.block_size = None # Number of rows self.num_blocks = None self.cube_shape = None self.time_keyword = 'STARTTJD' # Start time in TJD. TICA-specific. self.last_file_keywords = ['ENDTJD'] # Stop time in TJD. TICA-specific (assumed to be in extension 0) self.image_header_keywords = ['CAMNUM', 'CCDNUM'] # Camera number and CCD number self.template_requirements = {'NAXIS': 2} # Using NAXIS instead of WCSAXES. self.file_list = None self.template_file = None self.primary_header = None self.info_table = None self.cube_file = None # Used when updating an existing cube self.old_cols = None self.update = False self.cube_append = None def _configure_cube(self, file_list, **extra_keywords): """ Run through all the files and set up the basic parameters for the cube. Set up the cube primary header. """ file_list = np.array(file_list) image_shape = None start_times = np.zeros(len(file_list)) for i, ffi in enumerate(file_list): ffi_data =, mode='denywrite', memmap=True) start_times[i] = ffi_data[0].header.get(self.time_keyword) if image_shape is None: # Only need to fill this once try: image_shape = ffi_data[0].data.shape except AttributeError: raise ValueError(ERROR_MSG) if self.template_file is None: # Only check this if we don't already have it is_template = True for key, value in self.template_requirements.items(): if ffi_data[0].header.get(key) != value: # Checking for a good image header is_template = False if is_template: self.template_file = ffi ffi_data.close() self.file_list = file_list[np.argsort(start_times)] # Working out the block size and number of blocks needed for writing the cube # without using too much memory slice_size = image_shape[1] * len(self.file_list) * 2 * 4 # in bytes (float32) max_block_size = (self.max_memory * 1e9) // slice_size self.num_blocks = int(image_shape[0]/max_block_size + 1) self.block_size = int(image_shape[0]/self.num_blocks + 1) # Determining cube shape: # If it's a new TICA cube, the shape is (nRows, nCols, nImages, 1). # Axis 4 is `1` instead of `2` because we do not work with error arrays for TICA. if not self.update: self.cube_shape = (image_shape[0], image_shape[1], len(self.file_list), 1) # Else, if it's an update to an existing cube, the shape is (nRows, nCols, nImages + nNewImages, 2) else: self.cube_shape = self.cube_append.shape # Making the primary header if there's no cube_file yet if not self.update: with[0], mode='denywrite', memmap=True) as first_file: header = deepcopy(first_file[0].header) header.remove('CHECKSUM', ignore_missing=True) # Adding standard keywords header['ORIGIN'] = 'STScI/MAST' header['DATE'] = str( # Adding factory specific keywords for kwd in self.image_header_keywords: # TICA file structure differs from SPOC in that factory-specific kwds # are in the 0th extension, along with the science data. header[kwd] = (first_file[0].header[kwd], first_file[0].header.comments[kwd]) # Adding the extra keywords passed in for kwd, value in extra_keywords.items(): header[kwd] = (value[0], value[1]) # Otherwise we're updating an existing cube file else: with, mode='update', memmap=True) as cube_hdu: header = cube_hdu[0].header header['HISTORY'] = f'Updated on {str(} with new FFI delivery.' header['HISTORY'] = f'First FFI is {str(os.path.basename(self.file_list[0]))}' # Adding the keywords from the last file with[-1], mode='denywrite', memmap=True) as last_file: for kwd in self.last_file_keywords: # TICA file structure differs from SPOC in that factory-specific kwds # are in the 0th extension, along with the science data. header[kwd] = (last_file[0].header[kwd], last_file[0].header.comments[kwd]) header["EXTNAME"] = "PRIMARY" self.primary_header = header def _build_info_table(self): """ Reading the keywords and setting up the table to hold the image headers (extension 1) from every input file. """ with, mode='denywrite', memmap=True) as ffi_data: # The image specific header information will be saved in a table in the second extension primary_header = ffi_data[0].header # set up the image info table existing_cols = [] cols = [] length = len(self.file_list) for kwd, val, cmt in if isinstance(val, str): tpe = "S" + str(len(val)) # TODO: Maybe switch to U? elif isinstance(val, int): tpe = np.int32 else: tpe = np.float64 if kwd not in existing_cols: existing_cols.append(kwd) cols.append(Column(name=kwd, dtype=tpe, length=length, meta={"comment": cmt})) cols.append(Column(name="FFI_FILE", dtype="S" + str(len(os.path.basename(self.template_file))), length=length)) self.info_table = Table(cols) def _build_cube_file(self, cube_file): """ Build the cube file on disk with primary header, cube extension header, and space for the cube, filled with zeros. Note, this will overwrite the file if it already exists. Parameters ---------- cube_file : str Optional. The filename/path to save the output cube in. """ # Making sure the output directory exists direc, _ = os.path.split(cube_file) if direc and not os.path.exists(direc): os.makedirs(direc) # Writing the primary header hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=self.primary_header) hdul = fits.HDUList([hdu0]) hdul.writeto(cube_file, overwrite=True) # Making the cube header and writing it data = np.zeros((100, 100, 10, 2), dtype=np.float32) hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data) header = hdu.header header["NAXIS4"], header["NAXIS3"], header["NAXIS2"], header["NAXIS1"] = self.cube_shape # Writes the header into the cube as an array of bytes with open(cube_file, 'ab') as CUBE: CUBE.write(bytearray(header.tostring(), encoding="utf-8")) # Expanding the file to fit the full data cube # fits requires all blocks to be a multiple of 2880 cubesize_in_bytes = (( * 4 + 2880 - 1) // 2880) * 2880 filelen = os.path.getsize(cube_file) # Seek to end of file and write null byte with open(cube_file, 'r+b') as CUBE: + cubesize_in_bytes - 1) CUBE.write(b'\0') self.cube_file = cube_file def _write_block(self, cube_hdu, start_row=0, end_row=None, fill_info_table=False, verbose=False): """ Do one pass through the image files and write a block of the cube. cube_hdu is an hdulist object opened in update mode """ # Initializing the sub-cube nrows = (self.cube_shape[0] - start_row) if (end_row is None) else (end_row - start_row) sub_cube = np.zeros((nrows, *self.cube_shape[1:]), dtype=np.float32) # Loop through files for i, fle in enumerate(self.file_list): if verbose: st = time() # In this section we will take the SCI data from self.file_list above # and "paste" a cutout of the full SCI array into a 4d array called # sub_cube. We iterate this process until the full SCI array for each # FFI is copied onto the cube. Usually the sub_cube is ~1/3 the size of # the full SCI array, so there are 3 iterations. # For TICA, the SCI data exists in the 0th extension. with, mode='denywrite', memmap=True) as ffi_data: # Add the image and info to the arrays sub_cube[:, :, i, 0] = ffi_data[0].data[start_row:end_row, :] del ffi_data[0].data # Also save the header info in the info table if fill_info_table: # Iterate over every keyword in the TICA FFI primary header for kwd in self.info_table.columns: if kwd == "FFI_FILE": self.info_table[kwd][i] = os.path.basename(fle) else: nulval = None if self.info_table[kwd] == "int32": nulval = 0 elif self.info_table[kwd].dtype.char == "S": # hacky way to check if it's a string nulval = "" # NOTE: # A header keyword ('COMMENT') in TICA returns a keyword # value in the form of a _HeaderCommentaryCard instead of a STRING. # This breaks the info table because the info table # doesn't understand what a FITS header commentary card is. # Adding a try/except is a way to catch when these instances happen # and turn the keyword value from a _HeaderCommentaryCard to a # string, which is what it's meant to be in the info table. # # TO-DO: Find a more elegant way to handle these stray # _HeaderCommentaryCards. try: self.info_table[kwd][i] = ffi_data[0].header.get(kwd, nulval) except ValueError: kwd_val = ffi_data[0].header.get(kwd) if isinstance(kwd_val, fits.header._HeaderCommentaryCards): self.info_table[kwd][i] = str(kwd_val) else: raise if verbose: print(f"Completed file {i} in {time()-st:.3} sec.") # Fill block and flush to disk if not self.update: cube_hdu[1].data[start_row:end_row, :, :, :] = sub_cube else: self.cube_append[start_row:end_row, :, :, :] = sub_cube if (version_info <= (3, 8)) or (platform == "win32"): cube_hdu.flush() del sub_cube def _update_info_table(self): """ Updating an existing info table with newly created """ with, mode='denywrite', memmap=True) as ffi_data: # The image specific header information will be saved in a table in the second extension primary_header = ffi_data[0].header # set up the image info table cols = [] for kwd, val, cmt in if isinstance(val, str): tpe = "S" + str(len(val)) # TODO: Maybe switch to U? elif isinstance(val, int): tpe = np.int32 else: tpe = np.float64 # If there's already an info table, this means we are # updating a cube instead of making a new one, so expanding # the length by the new FFIs (hence +self.file_list) with, mode='readonly') as hdul: og_table = hdul[2].data appended_column = np.concatenate((og_table[kwd], self.info_table[kwd])) length = len(og_table)+len(self.info_table[kwd]) cols.append(Column(appended_column, name=kwd, dtype=tpe, length=length, meta={"comment": cmt})) with, mode='readonly') as hdul: og_table = hdul[2].data appended_column = np.concatenate((og_table['FFI_FILE'], self.info_table['FFI_FILE'])) str_length = str(len(os.path.basename(self.template_file))) cols.append(Column(appended_column, name="FFI_FILE", dtype="S" + str_length, length=length)) self.info_table = Table(cols) def _write_info_table(self): """ Turn the info table into an HDU object and append it to the cube file """ # Make table hdu cols = [] for kwd in self.info_table.columns: if self.info_table[kwd].dtype == np.float64: tpe = 'D' elif self.info_table[kwd].dtype == np.int32: tpe = 'J' else: tpe = str(self.info_table[kwd].dtype).replace("S", "A").strip("|") cols.append(fits.Column(name=kwd, format=tpe, array=self.info_table[kwd])) col_def = fits.ColDefs(cols) table_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(col_def) # Adding the comments to the header for kwd in self.info_table.columns: if kwd in ['XTENSION', 'BITPIX', 'NAXIS', 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2', 'PCOUNT', 'GCOUNT', 'TFIELDS']: continue # skipping the keyword already in use table_hdu.header[kwd] = self.info_table[kwd].meta.get("comment", "") # Appending to the cube file with, mode='update', memmap=True) as cube_hdus: # If we're updating the cube, get rid of the existing table # so we can replace it with the new one. if self.update: cube_hdus.pop(index=2) cube_hdus.append(table_hdu) def _update_cube(self, file_list, cube_file, sector=None, max_memory=50, verbose=True): """ Updates an existing cube file if one has already been made and a new delivery is being appended to it. Same functionality as make_cube(...), but working on an already existing file rather than building a new one. This function will: 1. Create a new cube consisting of the new FFIs that will be appended to the existing cube 2. Update primary header keywords to reflect the update to the file 3. Expand the file size of the FITS file containing the cube, to accomodate for the updated one 4. Rename the file accordingly(?) """ self.update = True # we're updating! self.max_memory = max_memory if verbose: startTime = time() # Next locate the existing cube file and assign it a variable err_msg = 'Location of the cube file was unsuccessful. Please ensure the correct path was provided.' assert os.path.exists(cube_file), err_msg self.cube_file = cube_file if verbose: print(f'Updating cube file: {cube_file}') # Ensure that none of the files in file_list are in the cube already, to avoid duplicates in_cube = list(fits.getdata(self.cube_file, 2)['FFI_FILE']) # TO-DO: Add warning message instead of this verbose print stmnt. filtered_file_list = [] for idx, file in enumerate(file_list): if os.path.basename(file) in in_cube: print('File removed from list:') print(os.path.basename(file)) if os.path.basename(file) not in in_cube: filtered_file_list.append(file) noffis_err_msg = 'No new FFIs found for the given sector.' assert len(filtered_file_list) > 0, noffis_err_msg if verbose: print(f'{len(filtered_file_list)} new FFIs found!') # Creating an empty cube that will be appended to the existing cube og_cube = fits.getdata(cube_file, 1) dimensions = list(og_cube.shape) dimensions[2] = len(filtered_file_list) self.cube_append = np.zeros(dimensions) # Set up the basic cube parameters sector = (sector, "Observing sector") self._configure_cube(filtered_file_list, sector=sector) if verbose: print(f"FFIs will be appended in {self.num_blocks} blocks of {self.block_size} rows each.") # Starting a new info table from scratch with new rows self._build_info_table() # Update the image cube with, mode='update', memmap=True) as cube_hdu: # mmap: "allows you to take advantage of lower-level operating system # functionality to read files as if they were one large string or array. # This can provide significant performance improvements in code that # requires a lot of file I/O." if (version_info >= (3, 8)) and (platform != "win32"): mm = fits.util._get_array_mmap(cube_hdu[1].data) # madvise: "Send advice option to the kernel about the memory region # beginning at start and extending length bytes."" mm.madvise(MADV_SEQUENTIAL) for i in range(self.num_blocks): start_row = i * self.block_size end_row = start_row + self.block_size if end_row >= self.cube_shape[0]: end_row = None # filling in the cube file with the new FFIs # the info table also gets updated here fill_info_table = True self._write_block(cube_hdu, start_row, end_row, fill_info_table, verbose) if verbose: print(f"Completed block {i+1} of {self.num_blocks}") # Append the new cube to the existing cube new_cube = np.concatenate((og_cube, self.cube_append), axis=2) # Add it to the HDU list with, mode='update') as hdul: if verbose: print(f'Original cube of size: {str(og_cube.shape)}') print(f'will now be replaced with cube of size: {str(new_cube.shape)}') print(f'for file ``{cube_file}``') hdul[1].data = new_cube # Appending new info table to original self._update_info_table() # Writing the info table to EXT2 of the FITS file self._write_info_table() if verbose: print(f"Total time elapsed: {(time() - startTime)/60:.2f} min") return self.cube_file
[docs] def make_cube(self, file_list, cube_file="img-cube.fits", sector=None, max_memory=50, verbose=True): """ Analogous to CubeFactory.make_cube(...). Turns a list of fits image files into one large data-cube. Input images must all have the same footprint and resolution. The resulting datacube is transposed for quicker cutouts. This function can take some time to run, exactly how much time will depend on the number of input files and the maximum allowed memory. The runtime will be fastest if the entire data cube can be held in memory, however that can be quite large (~40GB for a full TESS main mission sector, 3 times that for a TESS extended mission sector). Parameters ---------- file_list : array The list of fits image files to cube. Assumed to have the format of a TESS FFI: - A primary HDU consisting only of a primary header - An image HDU containing the image - A second image HDU containing the uncertainty image cube_file : string Optional. The filename/path to save the output cube in. sector : int Optional. TESS sector to add as header keyword (not present in FFI files). max_memory : float Optional, default is 50. The maximum amount of memory to make available for building the data cube in GB. Note, this is the maximum amount of space to be used for the cube array only, so should not be set to the full amount of memory on the system. verbose : bool Optional. If true intermediate information is printed. Returns ------- response: string or None If successful, returns the path to the cube fits file, if unsuccessful returns None. """ if verbose: startTime = time() self.max_memory = max_memory # Set up the basic cube parameters sector = (sector, "Observing sector") self._configure_cube(file_list, sector=sector) if verbose: print("Using {} to initialize the image header table.".format(os.path.basename(self.template_file))) print(f"Cube will be made in {self.num_blocks} blocks of {self.block_size} rows each.") # Set up the table to hold the individual image headers self._build_info_table() # Write the empty file, ready for the cube to be added self._build_cube_file(cube_file) # Fill the image cube with, mode='update', memmap=True) as cube_hdu: if (version_info >= (3, 8)) and (platform != "win32"): mm = fits.util._get_array_mmap(cube_hdu[1].data) mm.madvise(MADV_SEQUENTIAL) for i in range(self.num_blocks): start_row = i * self.block_size end_row = start_row + self.block_size if end_row >= self.cube_shape[0]: end_row = None fill_info_table = True if (i == 0) else False self._write_block(cube_hdu, start_row, end_row, fill_info_table, verbose) if verbose: print(f"Completed block {i+1} of {self.num_blocks}") # Add the info table to the cube file self._write_info_table() if verbose: print(f"Total time elapsed: {(time() - startTime)/60:.2f} min") return self.cube_file